DataMax SHDL3P sign holder is a tri-fold stand with three fold-over panels. This menu display can be placed at a check-out area or on tabletops as an alternative means of listing food and drink. Each side can be used to display a different print or insert the same sign into all three sides for multiple viewers. This is also called a table tent and is made with clear acrylic plastic material. This construction provides an unobstructed view of each sign panel. This acrylic sign frame is the ideal menu display for any casual dining facility. The triangular shape creates a hollow center area that can be used to store condiment bottles or other essential items normally kept on restaurant tables.
- Tri-fold stand with three fold-over panels
- Can be placed at a check-out area or on tabletops
- An alternative means of listing food and drink in a restaurant
- Made with clear acrylic plastic material
- Paper size: DL
- Dimension: 115x212x105mm