• Theodist Empowers Bomana Prison Bible Program with Stationery Support

Theodist Empowers Bomana Prison Bible Program with Stationery Support

Theodist Empowers Bomana Prison Bible Program with Stationery Support

Pastor Simon Kuman, who has led the program for the past seven years, shared the impact of this support.
"The Bible program and the Theological Society School are making a significant difference in the prison," he says. "We've seen remarkable changes in character and mindset among the inmates. Three individuals have even been released and are now training to become gospel preachers."

The program had long struggled with a lack of basic supplies. "I often had to buy books and pencils out of my pocket," Pastor Kuman revealed, "but it simply wasn't enough for everyone."

The donation from Theodist has been a pivotal support. "It's as if a door was opened for us," Pastor Kuman said. "Some prisoners received their stationery packets with tears in their eyes. One man even shared that he hadn't seen a pen and book in four years."

These supplies are more than just pens and notebooks; they are instruments of empowerment. "The stationery will greatly benefit them in their studies and assignments," Pastor Kuman notes. "But more importantly, the Bible school helps them transform their mindsets and attitudes, preparing them to reintegrate into society and make positive choices."

The program, which now boasts 100 students with more joining regularly, includes inmates from various sections of the prison, such as high-security units, maximum security, juvenile wings, and even the female wing. "We even teach them how to read and write," Pastor Kuman proudly states. "Nineteen inmates graduated last year, and they can now both read the Bible and write on their own." Plans are underway to expand this program to other prisons across the country.

Our partnership with the Bomana Prison Bible program goes beyond providing essential supplies. It signifies our trust in the potential of these individuals to become agents of change. This trust, coupled with the power of the Bible program, paves the way for a brighter future for the inmates, their communities, and the nation of Papua New Guinea as a whole.

While Theodist remains committed to supporting initiatives that align with our core values, we carefully select partnerships to ensure maximum impact and sustainability. We encourage other organizations to explore similar collaborations that can bring about positive change in our communities.